Why YOU Need this Education Conference!
This is not directly related to making money online with auctions, but most of the speakers at this conference own online businesses. Many of them started at eBay and grew their businesses! You will love my favorite online mentor and best friend in the whole world, Rhea Perry. While many of us are learning now what it means to think "outside the box" and struggling with re-teaching our thinking processes, our children have an advantage. If they learn early on how this phenomenon called the internet works in making them some money, they will be miles ahead of us who are just now tapping the money fountain online.
Don't set your kids up to be laid off.
If you are concerned about the job market for your kids or for yourself for that matter there is something you can do to ensure their financial security.
Obviously, not everyone knows what that is or our economy wouldn't be where it is.

Parents and teens from 30 states, including California, are already registered toattend what is being called the education event of the year.
Next weekend, March 3-5, 2006, history is going to be made in historical Nashville, Tennessee as a team of experts spend 3 days revealing the secrets of educating teens to think entrepreneurially at the only event of its kind.
And it's not too late to make plans to join them! Read more here: Education Conference
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