Sunday, August 19, 2007

Our Top Sales for July

My top sales this month. I don't do this to brag rather so you can get a glimpse of the reality of making decent money by selling books on eBay. Remember that you can do this in nearly every category on eBay. Just learn what sells.

Complete Set WILDLIFE FACT- FILE Books ~Science~New Con (150135546646) $149 eBay$2 at a rummage sale - second day

4 Childcraft Books~HB~1949 Orange~Complete Set~Lke New (150133401574) $149 eBay $7 at FOL

6 VOL UNCLE ARTHUR'S BEDTIME STORIES MAXWELL 1950-51 (150137292795) $60 eBay Found forty five minutes into an FOL sale, pd. $1.50

Paddle-to-the-Sea Holling C. Holling (hardcover) $45 AZ FOL, paid $.50

Parish-Hadley: Sixty Years of American Design $178 AZ
Found about an hour and a half into a sale with ten dealers there and several with scanners, and with specially priced books. :-) pd. $1

2001 World Book Encyclopedia Set - Complete Set of Encyclopedias - 22 Books $208 AZ A half hour into the sale with several dealers there. They usually won't touch encyclopedia sets. Pd. $5 Sold in four days - we wanted to move them.

A Child's First Library of Learning (Time-Life Set) $100 AZ FOL pd $3

The Jewel in the Crown (The Raj Quartet , Vol 1) audio book $43 AZ FOL pd. $.50

Preserving (Dorling-Kindersley) $34 ABE Library ongoing book sale - pd .$25

FOL=Friends of the Library (volunteers put on a book sale at the local and not so local libraries)
AZ = Amazon

How about your July top sales?

Julie Anna
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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hot Item Alert

Hot Item Alert

Vintage Dress Patterns
Vintage dress patterns (or any vintage pattern for that matter) are easily found at church rummage sales you pay pennies for them usually. Just check inside the envelope and make sure the pieces are all there. Many times the pattern is unused which makes sorting the pieces very easy. We have seen the older style women's dress patterns do very well. Sometimes they close as high as $150. The typical price is between $20-$70 though. I think for a quarter and maybe twenty minutes work photographing, describing and uploading two pictures, I'd be happy with $30 or so. These ship quite nicely, also. Just grab a small manila envelope and apply first class post and you are good to go. The cost is a total of $2.00 for postage and possibly as much as $1.00 for the pattern. Your fees will be perhaps 10% of $30 which is approximately $3.00 + insertion fee of $.85. Total cost less than $7.

A very easy and economical way to teach yourself or your children a nice selling niche.

Take a look at this one:
Vintage 1930s McCalls Evening Gown Dress Pattern ~$150 final bid