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Vintage 35 mm Cameras
I ran a Terapeak search and found there were nearly 38,000 cameras listed with the search term vintage camera in the title the lst 90 days on eBay. Of those 38,000, 55% sold and the average sold price was $42. This is great news for the yard sale addict. These cameras can be found everywhere for a nominal price. Be especially alert to the high end camera parts that are no longer being produced. Such brands include Nikon, Hasselblad, and Leica. Look for lenses with covers and bags.
The old Kodaks with the leather molded cases sell very well - up to $250. Also look for the rolling fold cameras. These are in many antique and thrift shops. Take several pictures of the camera at all angles. If you are not able to tell if it has all working parts or even if it works just state that you are novice and provide as many details as possible.